Sunday, October 11, 2015


We spent Monday thru Wednesday in Shanghai. Wow, what a beautiful and HUGE city. Behind me is the 2nd tallest building in the world (of course I can see out my window here in Suzhou the beginnings of the construction of what's about to be the new tallest building in China- each building seems to outdo the last.)

 Ancient Garden of the Master of the Nets.

 Suzhou, where I am now, is known as the Venice of the Orient. It is all built around waterways.
 Eating rabbit leg- or was this the frog leg? The food just doesn't stop.
 Weekend trip to Huangshan Mountain. It was really amazing. Walkways perched on the edge of steep mountain faces. We walked over 10 miles, took 2 gondolas, a tram (for most of the elevation gains) and barely dented what seems to be available. I guess they can have 40,000 visitors (mostly Chinese) per day during holidays. It took a 5.5 hr night speed train + 45 min car +45 min tram just to get up to the park, but totally worth it. We even got to sleep in a hotel perched on the top of a mountain. I feel super lucky I got to join.

Chinese hot springs spa. The different pools had elements like tea, ginsing, sand. This one is full of exfoliating fish. It tickled/ itched so bad Randy couldn't take it, and later I had bites all over my legs. It was cool though.

Water Village where they filmed "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon." The government  pays villagers a kickback to keep living here,but its just teeming with tourists and loudspeakers. You even go thru a Disney world type ticket gate to enter.


Kim said...

So magnificent! I'm so glad you are there. I wasn't so glad you were sitting in a pool of leeches, but when I blew up the photo I saw they were actually tadpoles, so I ended up being so glad you were there as well. So excited for you!!

Paw@: said...

Isn't China a great experience? I loved teaching there. I can hardly wait to compare experiences. Aurelia has great adventures to look forward to.