Friday, July 1, 2016

Still Waiting

 I am now 2 days over due. That means plan A( that I have the baby before Friday afternoon when all of Randy's family left to go up to the cabin for the week) didn't work out. So I am now on to plan B (wait until Tuesday morning when Mom flies into town.) Randy's family assures me they'll be willing to come back down and watch my boys if neither plan works, but it'd be so much more convenient for all, and baby appears to be nowhere close to making an entrance to the chaos of our family at this point, so I'll just embrace plan B. I thought I'd snap a pregnant shot with the webcam just to record how big I am. 3 months of people commenting that I must be due any day makes a pregnancy drag on a bit. We've been trying to stay busy and distracted with playground, swimming pool and museum visits. I keep thinking that I should embrace this time to do things that will be harder with a 4th child, but I am just so sick and uncomfortable and hot that its hard to want to do anything but sit in the shade or sleep. So there's plenty of that going on too. My kids have been good sports, but I'm pretty sure it's because they no longer can remember a time when I didn't hobble around and complain all the time.

 As you can see my kids spend a lot of time entertaining themselves. I figure its easier to repair the damage than to hover around trying to prevent.
 Some friends of ours took us to an very authentic Chinese restaurant in the area. Here is James nibbling on a duck foot.

 Giant snapping turtle that crossed my path.


Kim said...

Whoa, that is an intimidating turtle! You do indeed look very very pregnant. Sorry to hear you are still feeling sick. I hope that makes it so much more fun once you've had the baby and feel awesome again?? Looking forward to hearing what you name her! Your boys are getting so big!!

Lizi Bates said...

I hobble around complaining a lot these days too. I'm not due until the 13th tho so I should save it! I've felt so impatient with this pregnancy, I'm not sure I can handle going pat my due date. Hope your mom gets into town and then you go into quick and pain free labor. Just think, you won't be pregnant anymore, yay!!

Daniel Carr said...

We are thinking of and commiserating with you and hoping for great news soon!