Thursday, February 11, 2016

Winter Update

For some reason I am having trouble putting up blog posts with my new phone, so I'll take this opportunity to catch up for the winter, and attempt to post some videos while I'm sitting at the computer. 
Here is how Bode spends much of his time- watching anyone on the ice rink and waiting for his turn to get geared up so he can join. As you can see he is capable of putting on skates himself (any pair will do. He loves Randy's.) Problem is, he's not actually able to stay upright on the ice, so insists on being assisted or carried, both of which get tiring fast. Then its a 20 minute tantrum to try and get the skates off. I can't complain too much though, its basically the only thing that makes him cry, and you have to appreciate that passion. (the box he is standing on is a set of dishes we plan to either keep, or return, but it functions as such a great, stable perch for Bode that we can't get ourselves to open it.)

Having an ice rink in the back yard is so amazing. Just about every afternoon James at some point heads out there on his own (5 years old is amazing! He even puts on his own skates), then the rest of us trickle out. When someone gets tired they just head back in. When a neighbor shows up to skate, we just trickle back out. It has made winter such a pleasure (of course nearly consistent 20+ degree days sure hasn't hurt.) Its been a really great winter so far. We've made it up to the cabin a few times already and plan to go again next weekend. Up there the favorite hobby is sledding down the hill and being pulled back up by the snow mobile. Owen is our most devoted sledder and can stay out there for hours. He whizzes by us all, somehow steering around obstacles, and with a constant grin. We had the wonderful pleasure of having our friends the Brodegards come in from Rome, GA, and our friend Holly from Steamboat fly in to join us at the cabin last trip.
We've also spent a bit of time watching the national pond hockey tournament and Randy's weekly hockey games on Lk Nokomis.
And if this video works you can see Owen is all of a sudden figuring out how to really skate!
When we're not out back I'm usually lying on the couch. I'm 21 weeks pregnant but still sick and my traditional pregnancy sciatic issues are paining me in full force. But, if all goes well we'll have a baby girl somewhere around June 29th.
When I can pull myself off the couch, we've recently enjoyed Zola's tea party birthday, and lots of playing "kittens in a box."

 Dad's did a great post of our visit to their farm in January, but here are a few pics for our records. We had a wonderful visit. Not always warm temperatures, but so great to get to just lie in bed while Mom and Dad entertained, fed, and cleaned for us. Thank you! It was also really fun to spend time with Sage's and Joe's families.  A highlight for me was sitting around the table at Joe's while Blake quizzed us from Dad's book "Letters to Grandma," and sitting around with some of the older kids and my parents and Joe and Heather playing games. It's fun to see your nieces and nephews grow into "near" adults. I think I'll enjoy it when my kids reach that. Already James is at this great phase of often helping rather than always needing. But I guess I'll miss the cute factor too... I do find myself multiple times a day watching Bode and my heart just bursting with love and enjoyment. He is such a great baby.



Debbie said...

Oh, so much fun. I love your new baby pic. I feel like I can already see what she looks like!

Kim said...

A girl! How fun! Wishing you no more morning sickness. Love seeing the fun thing you guys are doing. I think it might be time for a box-building project for Bodes perch. I thought of Randy's cat fence a few weeks ago when a friend had David and me take her two cats for a walk on leashes in the back yard. Have you ever taken a cat for a walk on a leash? It was ridiculous. A cat fence suddenly became the most brilliant idea ever.

Lizi Bates said...

A girl!! So excited for you :) She's going to be gorgeous just like her mom! We need to be neighbors since all our kids ages are pretty much the same. Hopefully you're feeling better. Pregnancy is rough. Diclegis really helped me this time with morning sickness.