Friday, December 5, 2014

FL trip and Bode's blessing

Minnesota had an amazing Autumn, and then early November winter hit with force, way too soon. I hoped a little Florida sunshine and farm labor would improve my mood. It worked perfectly. We had a great visit. Sadly I took very few pictures, so you'll have to look at my parent's blog to see an overview. 
We always really enjoy our visits home. I feel so lucky that my family happens to be in a warm, picturesque location, and is lots of fun. Lately visiting them comprises of most of our vacations. James always really connects with Grandma, but this visit he bonded with Stephen more then ever and spent several weeks after our return with daily mourning over having to leave him.
That little break from cold did work some magic though, because now I am super excited for winter and just need more snow! We bought some used downhill skiis, and have pulled out our classic and skate cross country skiis. Now just need an opportunity to use them. We are loving the hats my Mom made us. We wear them everywhere we go and I love how matching I am with  "puppy" Owen and "horsey"  James. Thanks Mom.
Bode is nearly 4 months old, so we figured we'd better hurry and get him blessed before the white outfit didn't fit, despite the fact that we could never quite coordinate much family here for it. It was in the nick of time because already the outfit couldn't be buttoned up in the back and his wrist fat rolls we're limiting the fit. Randy mentioned that at one point he nearly rolled off their hands, so the blessing was kept fairly brief. I guess there's a reason they bless babies early. We we're greatful Randy's parents and Rita's family could there.

1 comment:

Kim said...


And I had been wondering if James' hat had a mane/tail or if that was just the style. Now that I know Owen has puppy ears I see those too...very clever. (: